Nationality Rooms

Japanese woman in red kimono
In Japan, the age of 20 is considered the beginning of adulthood. A group of Japanese women studying English at Pitt were away from home during the traditional national holiday, so the University and the community threw the students a party.
Carlisle in a black shirt and bright scarf on the left; Bruhn with dark hair and a red headband and bright pink shirt on the right
Thirty Nationality Rooms are decorated with holiday trimmings symbolic of the countries and heritages they represent, and tours celebrating the season are on offer to the public.
Wolfgang Waldner, the Austrian ambassador to the United States, and Gudrun Faudon-Waldner in Pitt's Austrian Nationality Room
More than 30 ambassadors to the United States spent a day touring Pitt’s Nationality Rooms and Human Engineering Research Laboratories as part of a three-day visit to Pittsburgh.