The Plan for Pitt: Build Foundational Strength

A man in white protective gear in turquoise gloves and a white face mask
This year, custodians and housekeepers have stepped up to keep campus spaces clean and disinfected. Here’s a glimpse into their world.
A green wreath on a blue wall in a classroom with brown desks and chairs
Though there is no in-person Holiday Open House for Pitt’s iconic Nationality Rooms this year, Pittwire has collected photos of years gone by to get you in the holiday spirit. Take a look.
A person in a blue Pitt face mask and a light sweater
This holiday season, we’re thankful for our staff, faculty, students, front line workers and the entire Pitt community. Here’s wishing you a safe and pleasant Thanksgiving.
a field of American flags posted in grass
The University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg is hosting virtual events and physical displays that recognize the sacrifices of veterans this week.
Two signs in the grass reminding students about the Power of Pitt, with a student in a face mask walking past
The changes came after the University’s team of medical experts assessed a significant increase in positive COVID-19 cases among students over the weekend and aim to reduce the spread of the virus when students interact with families and loved ones at the end of the term.
a brown, black and white dog close to the camera
Anxious about the election and need a break? Pittwire has your back: Goats on slopes, a LEGO Cathedral, service puppies and other lighthearted stories from the archives that have nothing at all to do with politics.
Maureen Lichtveld wearing a red blazer
Maureen Lichtveld joins Pitt from Tulane University and has nearly 40 years of experience in environmental public health. Her start date is set for early January 2021.