health care

Ann Donnelly, a research specialist in the Department of Biomedical Informatics, was part of a team that created the first-ever artificial enzyme capable of working in a living organism.
cover of pitt med, which features a boy wearing a backpack, depicted with blue and gold puzzle pieces
When the Merck Inpatient Unit opened its doors in 1974, it was the only specialized inpatient unit for people with autism in the United States. More than 40 years later, it continues to help affected individuals throughout their lives.
James and Martha Funderburgh in their lab
At Pitt’s Corneal Cell Biology Lab, researchers have developed an innovative way to address a common form of blindness — by converting stem cells to regrow part of the eye.
Pamela Smithburger
Pharmacy’s Pamela Smithburger has been appointed liaison between the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the National Quality...