The Plan for Pitt: Engage in Research of Impact

A research project led by Leanne Gilbertson, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of...
young man in a white shirt using a blue and black PneuChair
Pitt-developed wheelchairs powered by compressed air made a splash at a Texas water park for people with disabilities over the summer, with "thousands of inquiries" resulting from its success.
Assistant Professor Shilpa Sant, in the School of Pharmacy, was named a 2017 Young Innovator by Cellular and Molecular...
Brienza in front of a tan background wearing a white collared shirt with blue and green stripes
David Brienza, associate dean of research at the University of Pittsburgh's School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences has been...
The Pitt-Paris agreement will enable closer collaboration on research to treat optic nerve problems and age-related eye conditions.
Jess Edelstein
Sick of stains, Jess Edelstein (A&S ’11) invented a new activated-charcoal deodorant product — and made a successful pitch on ABC’s “Shark Tank” to expand its distribution.
a pale arm with spots from poison oak
Engineer Steven Little and colleagues may have found the cell-sized source of irritation caused by contact with allergens.
The Pittsburgh Foundation’s Charles E. Kaufman Foundation has named Tia-Lynn Ashman and James Pipas as recipients of one of its...
a child's drawing of an American flag
Faculty help young children understand the 9/11 attack in an emotionally healthy manner through a volunteer effort coordinated with the National Park Service Flight 93 National Memorial.