The Plan for Pitt: Engage in Research of Impact

Designers, engineers and people with disabilities from around the world gathered for the first-ever Cybathlon, pitting the latest assistive technologies against each other on a simulated course.
Pitt scientists developed a test to detect "hidden" HIV that is faster, less labor-intensive and less expensive than the current "gold standard" test.
Paul R. Cohen's career has included managing programs at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and research in artificial intelligence and cognitive science.
First-generation college student Susan Pisarcik is one of just 10 honorees from the United States. The award will pay for a fieldwork project where she will study the refugee population in rural Germany.
blee in front of a stone wall
Kathleen M. Blee, a Pitt faculty member and associate dean for graduate studies who has researched activist groups and racial violence for more than 30 years, starts her deanship in August.
Best known for his work with Jonas Salk developing the first effective polio vaccine, Julius Youngner's career in science spanned more than 60 years, influenced a generation of virologists and saved innumerable lives.
A U.S. Army National Guard member, Chen graduated with a neuroscience degree. When he's not organizing TEDx events on campus, he's probably in the lab researching drugs to treat neuromuscular disorders.
The legacy built by Henry Hillman and his family will resound for generations, not only at the University of Pittsburgh but also throughout the region.
Inspired by a talk on local queer history, Grewe began archiving gay and lesbian newspapers, magazines and other documents. He graduated April 30 with dual degrees in gender, sexuality and women's studies and psychology.
The University Library System has published Ledger, the first peer-reviewed academic journal solely devoted to research on cryptocurrency.